Hello Forest County Residents!
A new Lakeside Cemetery index has been added to the Crandon Public Library website. You can now search over 3800 burials and find the resting place of your ancestors. This is a great resource because researchers come from around the country in search of information on where their ancestors settled. One of the best ways to find out that information is through cemetery research. From looking at a gravestone you will learn the birth and death date , the place they lived, their family members, and sometimes how they died. This is invaluable information for many genealogists! One woman is coming to Crandon this weekend from Indiana after she found out who her grandmother was by way of the obituary and cemetery research I provided.
If you want to know more join us for a Lakeside Cemetery tour on Monday, August 25th at 6:00pm or visit this link http://www.crandonpl.org/city-of-crandon-lakeside-cemetery-index/
I would like to contact someone who can tell me how much it will cost to bury cremation remains in Sp 3 Lot 8 Block S. I would like to be buried with my grandparents and parents The grandparents are Norman & Elizabeth Combs and parents are George & Elaine Scott also brothers and one sister. Please advise
Hi Judy. The City of Crandon maintains the Crandon Lakeside Cemetery and will be able to help you with this request. You can contact them at 715-478-2400. Good luck!