Crandon’s Historic July 4th, 1916 celebration

According to newspaper reports, Crandon’s Commercial Club, began preparing for their “rousing celebration” in May of 1916. Members of the executive committee included T.B. Guthrie, M.D. Keith, W.A. Wescott, J. Breakstone, Wm. Wilson and Lyle Carter. These gentlemen urged the citizens of Crandon “to do your share toward making this a big day”.
The committee did their fair share of making this an event to remember. According to the June 30th advertisement in the Forest Republican, the committee went to “great expense” to secure Howe and Barlow and their dog Ginger, a sensational Iron Jay Wire Act and Prof. Perry who would make a “death defying slide for life hanging by his feet, from the court house dome”.
And, to finish off the celebration, “Fire works will be fired from a barge anchored out on Metonga Lake, on the night of the Fourth”.
A Grand Success!

In a follow-up article published on July 7th, it was announced that “about two thousand people from neighboring towns and the country” attended the 1916 Crandon celebration. The morning trains were filled with visitors from “Shawano, Lily, Neopit, Langlade and other settlements.” “The trains were met at the depot by the Crandon band which headed a long parade of floats and automobiles”.
The article went on to announce the winners of various races held throughout the day. In the half mile running race between ponies, Howard Kuss, Dennis Lee and Hiram Ritter were winners in the order listed. In the “free for all trotting race”, Mont. Whitt, Ed Merenes and E. Jamison all participated with Mont. Whitt earning the first prize money.

All-in-all it sounds as if the July 4th, 1916 celebration was a grand success!