Good Afternoon Forest County Residents!
This week while I was exploring the historical documents of our great county I found a ledger from 1941-1942. It appears to be created by a school nurse who documented the name of the student, the diagnosis, and treatment. The main ailment of the school children was a cut finger, with more than twenty children coming in with this complaint. The nurse treated this injury with a dose of iodine and a bandage. In fact, from the records in seems that iodine was used in almost every case from cuts to splinters, everywhere on the body a child scraps up when on a playground. The nurse had to remove quite a few bugs from children’s eyes and dealt with insect bits. Apparently in the 1940’s soda paste is the go to fix for an itchy mosquito bite! I have never tried it but its something to keep in mind after a long day outside when you start to feel the welts the pests left on your body. Let me know if it works!