Happy Valentine’s Day Forest County!
This week I wanted to find out how residents celebrated this lovers’ holiday many years ago. According to an article from the Forest Republican published in 1922 ” Valentine’s Day is the Beginning of a Week of Pleasures”. That year Mrs. H.H. Mohr threw a Valentine party with Princess pine and hearts decorating her home. Everyone spent the night playing the card game “Hearts” while eating food crafted into heart shapes. A “colorful messenger” showed up and delivered everyone’s place cards in the “form of half a valentine”. There was musically entertainment and prizes awarded to the winners of the card game including: Mrs. Roeber, Mrs. Keith, Mrs. Gebhart, and Mrs. Ison (Forest Republican 1922). That sounds like a wonderful way to spend the holiday to me!
I have also included photographs of loving couples below to get everyone in the mood for Valentine’s Day.