Amanda’s Weekly Archival Discovery

Happy Valentine’s Day Forest County!

This week I wanted to find out how residents celebrated this lovers’ holiday many years ago. According to an article from the Forest Republican published in 1922 ” Valentine’s Day is the Beginning of a Week of Pleasures”. That year Mrs. H.H. Mohr threw a Valentine party with Princess pine and hearts decorating her home. Everyone spent the night playing the card game “Hearts” while eating food crafted into heart shapes. A “colorful messenger” showed up and delivered everyone’s place cards in the “form of half a valentine”. There was musically entertainment and prizes awarded to the winners of the card game including: Mrs. Roeber, Mrs. Keith, Mrs. Gebhart, and Mrs. Ison (Forest Republican 1922).  That sounds like a wonderful way to spend the holiday to me!

I have also included photographs of loving couples below to get everyone in the mood for Valentine’s Day.

Sarah Boggs and Zigmond Chack
Sarah Boggs and Zigmond Chack
Bernice and August Linnemann
Bernice and August Linnemann


Mr. and Mrs. William Vanzile
Mr. and Mrs. William Vanzile

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